शरीर में जमी गंदगी को कैसे दूर करे।How to Detox your body in Hindi

You can easily resort to your usual diet, but make sure you keep drinking the early morning drink along with some physical workout. Plan days in advance and reserve your cheat days for sugary and fried foods. As the famous saying goes ‘Excess of everything is bad’, make sure to practice everything in moderation. Make sure you keep this in mind that detox doesn’t mean starving yourself. You need to keep having food at regular intervals, otherwise your metabolism will slow down. The best way to keep hunger pangs at bay is by consuming different kinds of liquids.

However, since Indian liver cleansing diets include a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables and unprocessed foods, following this diet can improve your overall health. Body detoxification, also known as body detox or body cleanse, is a process by which you eliminate toxins in the body to improve your overall well-being. Although our body is designed to know how to remove toxins from body, leading a healthy lifestyle can complement these essential functions. These toxins may include environmental pollutants, chemicals in highly-processed food, trace quantities of metals, etc. There is no hard evidence that consuming a ‘detox diet’ will remove all the toxins in the body that your natural system hasn’t already.

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The best of best fruits or veggies are Lemon, Cucumber, Lime, Berries, and Grapefruit. Water or Cucumber helps to detoxify cells by fluid exchange, grapefruit helps to clean the liver, Berries, on the other hand, detoxifies the liver. So, drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water every day to prevent your body from several health issues. A detox diet can help you minimize or overcome such problems. It is best recipes in lock down in hindi, simple recipes home hindi . If you are new to meditation, try the So Hum technique below to start your practice.

It's also a powerful emotional balancer, reducing stress levels while increasing calmness during intense moments. Neem is known for its antioxidant and antibacterial properties. However, it's one of the highly effective herbs for detoxification. A self-massage may also help neutralize the adverse effects of alcohol and support detoxification. When combined with other Ayurvedic body cleansing measures, a self-massage can help relieve a terrible hangover.

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However, the detox process should carry on despite these adverse symptoms. At the end of the detox, you will feel relaxed, revitalized,, and energetic. It is recommended to avoid overeating after detox and eat a balanced diet. Create a balanced mix of cardio and strength training to help your body eliminate toxins through sweating and deep breathing. After your body cools down, take a hot shower and massage your body using a medicated oil to promote lymphatic drainage.

how to detox body naturally at home india in hindi

Regular detox is recommended to get rid of toxins and maintain overall wellness. Turn off your electronic devices and stash them away for the next three days. Take urgent calls only and let someone in the family know that you will be unavailable for a good cause. Taking a break from your gadgets and social media will help you reflect on your life and have a meaningful conversation with yourself. Amla is a rich vitamin C source, readily available at vegetable vendors or local supermarkets.


It is specifically helpful for gut cleansing and eliminating free radicals. It can also purge alcohol from your system and prevent prolonged hangovers or belching. Given its health benefits, it may be the best Ayurvedic medicine for . However, hangovers are nothing compared to other adverse effects alcohol has on your health. When consumed in excess, it can deteriorate the liver and lead to toxin build-up in the body. In an era of stressful desk jobs and weekend culture permeating urban India, alcoholism has emerged as a simple escape.

Apply Black pepper oil to soles of feet or take it internally for entire cardiovascular health. Just one delicious shake a day is all you need to lose weight and transform your health. So, after waking up do oil pulling firstly, spit it into a trash can, put some water into your mouth and swish again. However, don’t swallow the swished liquid or spit into sinks. When the oil is mixed with water, it’s an insoluble mixture. Whereas when oil is combined with oil, both get easily soluble.

This is one of the most effective home remedies for body detox. A body cleanse, if not followed safely, can lead to a multitude of side effects. This makes the whole process of toxin removal counter-productive. Ensure that you don’t face excessive fatigue, overdose on supplements, and have nutrient deficiencies.

how to detox body naturally at home india in hindi

It is normal to crave certain foods, seek healthy alternatives to not disrupt your diet. Before starting any rigorous cleansing program, educate yourself if you are more prone to experiencing these side effects. In the first step, cleanse your gut and prepare your body for a full detox by eating simple foods and increasing water intake. The next step is to re-calibrate your digestive system by eating Khichari. As you enter the last phase, incorporate other healthy foods in your diet and perform low-impact exercises. During and after the detox, abstain from alcohol, smoking, meat, and sugar.

Ayurveda's take on alcohol

A lot of us underestimate the importance of a good night's sleep. Your brain tends to flush out toxins while you sleep as well. Hence, ensure that you are getting sufficient sleep at night. According to Ayurveda, oleation helps you loosen and eliminate toxins, also known as ama. Ayurveda recommends detoxifying on a regular basis to eliminate toxins and return to your innate state of health and well-being.

Drink enough water in a day; approximately 8-10 glass or 2 litres. Carry a water bottle with you at all times and keep consuming and refilling it as and when you get the opportunity. Do this process for a few minutes when you’re first getting started, gradually building up to half an hour.


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